Free Easter Mazes

Easter Maze Fun

Free Easter Maze: Bunny Maze With a Cookie

Easter Maze Fun

Can you help Jeff the Easter Bunny get to his cookie? This Free easter maze is perfect for kids of all ages as a printable worksheet to play the maze and color after completion.

Bunny Maze with a Cookie

It sounds silly but this bunny maze with a cookie is important for Jeff the Easter Bunny. As you have probably heard, this cute little bunny has a role to play in the Easter holiday celebrations. If he is unable to reach his cookie, he will be sad and will be late to all his bunny duties. If you’ve seen Jeff’s adventures, he has many fun free maze printables offering different adventures.

Bunny maze with a cookie image

Did you ever think about the idea that the Easter Bunny, he is often the one who we are told to be the rabbit that hides eggs and delivers treats to you and me? While we haven’t asked the Easter bunny about all the details, it’s got to be a big responsibility. By helping Jeff the Easter Bunny find his way through the maze, we know he has found his cookie and will be happy.

What kinds of Easter Cookies do Bunnies like?

When you think about it, Easter Bunny’s probably like all types of cookies. Chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin and maybe even sugar cookies. Looking at the Easter maze, can you tell what kind of cookie Jeff the Easter bunny likes to eat? And we have to ask…what kind of Easter cookies do you enjoy when celebrating the holiday?

You might be surprised to learn that Oreo Cookies are the best selling cookies in the world with over 415 billion cookies eaten around the globe. Of course, the solution to the maze will help get Jeff to his cookies, but you might need to look in the cookie jar for a cookie you can eat!

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